Page 20 - Terminology-Naturopathy
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herb refers to plants used in various forms or preparations,   whole, entire”.
        valued for their therapeutic benefits, and sold as dietary
        supplements in the U.S. marketplace.                   Holistic counseling: A counseling approach which focuses
                                                               on the whole self, feelings, thoughts, and how these are
        Herba: Refers to the aerial parts or the aboveground parts   connected to the body.
        of plants which may include the flower, leaf, and the stem
        of the plant, and occasionally fruits too.             Holistic medicine: This broadly descriptive term describes
                                                               a healing philosophy that views a patient as a whole person,
        Herbal Infused Oils: A process of extraction in which   not as just a disease or a collection of symptoms. In the
        the volatile oils of a plant substance are obtained by   course of treatment, holistic medical practitioners may
        soaking the plant in a carrier oil for approximately two   address a client’s emotional and spiritual dimensions and
        weeks and then straining the oil. The resulting oil is used   the nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle factors that
        therapeutically and may contain the plant’s aromatic   may contribute to an illness.
                                                               Holistic: A medical concept that all aspects of the body
        Herbal medicine: An approach to healing which uses     – physical, psychological, and social – should be taken
        plant or plant-derived preparations to treat, prevent, or cure   into account when making a diagnosis and prescribing
        various health conditions and ailments. This approach is   treatment. Many forms of alternative use the term to
        incorporated into various medical systems. Although herbal  describe how all forms of disease are caused by the
        medicine does not have a specific point of conception, at   interplay of these different aspects, as well as spiritual
        present an estimated 80% of the world’s population rely on   factors.
        medicinal plant preparations for their primary healthcare
        needs, according to the World Health Organization. Despite   Holotropic breath work: It is a simple yet powerful
        the extensive use which can be attributed to the use of   technique for self-exploration and healing, based on
        plants in traditional medical systems, our knowledge of the   combined insights from modern consciousness research,
        plants and their values remain largely unexplored.     depth psychology and perennial spiritual practices. The
                                                               method activates non-ordinary states of consciousness
                                                               which mobilize the spontaneous healing potential of
                                                               the psyche. Sustained effective breathing, evocative
        Herbalism: An ancient form of healing still widely used in   music, focussed energy work and mandala drawing are
        much of the world, herbal- ism uses natural plants or plant-  components of this subjective journey. ‘Holotropic’ literally
        based substances to treat a range of illnesses and to enhance   means ‘moving towards wholeness’.
        the functioning of body systems. Though herbalism is not
        a licensed professional modality in the United States, herbs   Home remedies: A home remedy is a treatment to cure a
        are “prescribed” by a range of practitioners, from holistic   disease or ailment that employs certain spices, vegetables,
        medical doctors to acupuncturists and naturopaths.     or other common items. Home remedies may or may not
                                                               have medicinal properties that treat or cure the disease or
        Herpetic: Treating skin eruptions relating to the herpes   ailment in question, as they are typically passed along by
        virus.                                                 laypersons. Many are merely used as a result of tradition or
                                                               habit. One of the more popular examples of a home remedy
        Hirudotherapy: The use of leeches for medical therapy.
        From hirudin, the active principle in the salivary secretion   is the use of chicken soup to treat respiratory infections
                                                               such as a cold or mild flu, and according to one in vitro
        of leeches that acts as a potent anticoagulant (blood   study, there may be benefit from this use. Other examples
        thinner). Medicinal leeches are any of several species   of medically successful home remedies include willow
        of leeches, but most commonly Hirudo medicinalis, the   bark tea to cure headaches and fevers (willow bark contains
        European medicinal leech.
                                                               salicylic acid, which is chemically similar to acetylsalicylic
        Holism: Is the idea that systems (physical, biological,   acid, also known as aspirin).
        chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic, etc.)   Homeopathy: A system of medicine developed by Samuel
        and their properties should be viewed as wholes, not as   Hahnemann in 1796, in which remedies consist of diluted
        collections of parts. This often includes the view that   substances from plants, minerals and animals. It is based on
        systems function as wholes and that their functioning
        cannot be fully understood solely in terms of their    a theory that “like cures like.” Remedies specifically match
                                                               different symptom pattern profiles of illness to stimulate the
        component parts. From the Greek “holos” meaning “all,
                                                               body’s natural healing process.

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