Page 18 - Terminology-Naturopathy
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activity in Japan. See Shinrin-yoku.                   Grape therapy: Also known as ampelotherapy (from
                                                               Ancient Greek ampelos, meaning “vine”), is a form of
        Fructus: Refers to the fruit (the ripened ovary of     naturopathic alternative medicine that involves heavy
        the flower-bearing seeds) or berry of the plant. In    consumption of grapes, including seeds, and parts of the
        pharmacognosy, fructus is not always synonymous with the   vine, including leaves.
        botanical definition.
                                                               Gua sha: Meaning “scraping sha-bruises”, is a traditional
        Functional medicine: Is a form of alternative medicine   Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped
        which proponents say focuses on interactions between   to produce light bruising. Gua sha involves repeated
        the environment and the gastrointestinal, endocrine, and   pressured strokes over lubricated skin with a smooth edged
        immune systems. Functional medicine addresses the      instrument. Skin is typically lubricated with massage oil
        underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented   and commonly a ceramic Chinese soup spoon was used, or
        approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a   a well-worn coin, even honed animal bones, water buffalo
        therapeutic partnership. Functional medicine practitioners   horn, or jade. A simple metal cap with a rounded edge is
        spend time with their patients, listening to their     commonly used. Practitioners believe Gua sha releases
        histories and looking at the interactions among genetic,   unhealthy elements from injured areas and stimulates
        environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence   blood flow and healing. Gua sha is sometimes referred to
        long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this   as “spooning” or “coining” by English speakers, it has also
        way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of   been given the descriptive French name, tribo-effleurage.
        health and vitality for each individual.               Gua sha was transferred and translated into Vietnamese
                                                               from China as cạo gió. This term translates roughly “to
                                                               scrape wind”, as in Vietnamese culture “catching a cold” or

                                 G                             fever is often referred to as trúng gió, “to catch wind”. It is
                                                               also used in Indonesia, and in Java it is known as kerikan
                                                               (lit., “scraping technique”) or kerokan, and it is very
                                                               widely used, as a form of folk medicine, upon members
                                                               of individual households. It was also used in India for

        Galactagogue: An agent that promotes the flow of milk   treatment of high fever symptoms. People used metal spoon
        (syn: galactogenic).                                   and water for skin lubrication.

        Gem therapy: A relatively recent discovery in the field of   Guided imagery: A practice used for healing or health
        alternative medicines, it involves the use of specific gems   maintenance that involves a series of relaxation techniques
        to treat specific ailments.                            followed by the visualization of detailed images, usually
                                                               calm and peaceful in nature. If used for treatment, persons
        Geophagy: Eating earth or clay or chalk; occurs in some   will visualize their bodies free of the specific problem
        primitive tribes or sometimes in cases of nutritional   or condition. Sessions are typically 20 to 30 minutes in
        deficiency.                                            length and may be practiced several times a week. Guided
                                                               imagery often is used to alleviate stress and to treat
        Gerson therapy: Is a natural treatment that boosts the   stress-related conditions such as insomnia and high blood
        body’s own power to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease,   pressure. The therapy also is used by persons with cancer,
        allergies, and many other chronic degenerative diseases.    AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other disorders with
        Developed by Max Gerson, the therapy uses thirteen fresh   the aim of boosting the immune system.
        organic juices to provide the body with vitamins, minerals,
        enzymes, and other nutrients; and uses enemas to aid in
        the elimination of toxins, thereby cleansing the body and
        reactivating its ability to heal itself.                                        H

        Gestalt therapy: This psychotherapy aims to help the
        client achieve wholeness (gestalt is the German word for
        whole) by becoming fully aware of his or her feelings,
        perceptions, and behavior. The emphasis is on immediate   Hair analysis: A small amount of hair is taken from the
        experience rather than on the past. Gestalt therapy often is   nape of the neck to examine the intracellular (inside the
        conducted in group settings such as weekend workshops.  cell) information of the person’s condition for the last

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