Page 5 - Terminology-Naturopathy
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by either stunning or killing them and without causing   Antineoplastic: Acting to prevent, inhibit or halt the
        significant damage to the host. They may also be called   development of a neoplasm (a tumor).
        vermifuges (those that stun) or vermicides (those that kill).
        Anthelmintics are used to treat people who are infected by   Antioxidant: Prevents or inhibits oxidation.
        helminths, a condition called helminthiasis.
                                                               Antiparasitic: Destroying or inhibiting the growth and
        Anthroposophic medicine: Developed by philosopher and   reproduction of parasites.
        mystic Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), this medical system
        takes into account the spiritual and physical components   Antipruritic: Preventing or relieving itching.
        of illness. A treatment regimen may include herbal and   Antipyretic: Agent that reduces fever (febrifuge).
        homeopathic medicines and dietary recommendations,
        art therapy, movement therapy, massage, and specially   Antirheumatic: Easing pain of rheumatism, inflammation
        prepared baths.                                        of joints and muscles.
        Antianemic: Preventing or curing anemia.               Antiseptic: An agent that prevents infection or decay by
                                                               killing a wide range of pathogenic microbes.
        Antibacterial: Destroying or stopping the growth of
        bacteria.                                              Antispasmodic: Calming nervous and muscular spasms or
        Antibilious: Easing stomach stress.
                                                               Antitussive: Controlling or preventing cough.
        Antibody: An antibody (Ab), also known as an
        immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large, Y-shaped protein produced   Antiviral: An agent that kills a virus or that suppresses its
        mainly by plasma cells that is used by the immune system   ability to replicate.
        to identify and neutralize pathogens such as bacteria and
        viruses.                                               Aperient: A very mild laxative.

        Anticatarrh: Reduces inflamed mucous membranes of      Aperitive: Stimulating the appetite for food.
        head and throat.
                                                               Aphrodisiac: Substance increasing capacity for sexual
        Anticoagulant: Prevents or slows the clotting of blood.   arousal.
        Also called “blood thinner”.
                                                               Apitherapy: Or “bee therapy” (from the Latin apis which
        Antidepressant: Therapy that acts to prevent, cure, or   means bee) is the medicinal use of products made by
        alleviate mental depression.                           honeybees. Apitherapy encompasses the use of bee hive
                                                               products including honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and
        Antidiabetic: Preventing or relieving diabetes.        bee venom.  Apitherapy is used to treat many illnesses and
                                                               to alleviate pain from injuries both chronic and acute.
        Antidiarrhetic: Substances use to prevent or treat diarrhea.
                                                               Applied kinesiology: A method of testing muscles to find
        Antiemetic: Stopping vomiting.                         imbalances in the body. Rebalancing using massage of
                                                               lymphatic areas, holding neurovascular points, running
        Antifungal: Destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungus.
                                                               acupuncture meridians, holding acupuncture points, finding
        Antihemorrhagic: Controlling hemorrhaging or bleeding.  the proper nutritional support and addressing emotional
                                                               aspects that are involved.
        Anti-infectious: Counteracting infection.
                                                               Aquarium therapy: Is the use of an aquarium to provide
        Anti-inflammatory: Controlling inflammation, a reaction   potential health benefits. Benefits of aquarium therapy
        to injury or infection.                                include: 1. Stabilizes blood pressure and induce calmness;
                                                               2. Helps Alzheimer/ dementia patients; 3. Induces a sudden
        Antimalarial: Preventing or relieving malaria.         sense of happiness; 4. Benefits hyperactive children; and 4.
                                                               Benefits the eye.
        Antimicrobial: Destructive to microbes.
                                                               Aquatic therapy: Refers to treatments and exercises
        Antimutagenic: Reducing the rate of mutation
                                                               performed in water for relaxation, fitness, physical

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